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Statement of Conclusions (letter)

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 Contents - Aug 2001AD2000 August 2001 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: The Assumption of Our Lady: 15 August - Michael Gilchrist
Melbourne's new Archbishop receives Pallium from John Paul II - AD2000 Report
News: The Church Around the World
After 14 years: why does AD2000 continue? - Michael Gilchrist
Denver Archdiocese: the future of Catholicism - David Scott
US bishops implement papal teaching on Catholic universities - Charles E. Rice
Appreciating the Mass: a successful new publication - Fr Robert Egar PP
Australian scholarship for African priest
Letters: Balanced presentation (letter) - Denis O'Leary
Letters: BEC success stories (letter) - Errol P. Duke
Letters: BECs not new (letter) - John Barich
Letters: Radical feminists (letter) - Dr T.R. White
Letters: Statement of Conclusions (letter) - Mark Power
Letters: Orthodox seminary (letter) - Paul Chigwidden
Letters: Finding more priests (letter) - Theo Silvas
Letters: Evolution/Original Sin (letter) - John Schmid
Letters: Vatican II 'ambiguities' (letter) - George F. Simpson
Letters: Choosing life (letter) - Mark Whybrow
Letters: St Thomas Aquinas (letter) - Valentine Gallagher
Letters: Generous response (letter) - Fr Stephen B. Muchemwa
Letters: Mass leaflet (letter) - Stephanie McClarty
Letters: Correct statement (letter) - Elizabeth Carr
Books: Genetic Turning Points, by James Peterson - Bill Muehlenberg (reviewer)
Books: The Cross of Anzac, by Tom Johnstone - Mark Posa (reviewer)
Books: Hail, Holy Queen: The Mother of God in the Word of God, by Scott Hahn - Catherine Sheehan (reviewer)
Books: Learning to Pray, by Julie Keleman - Anthony Cappello (reviewer)
Books: The DNA of God: Newly Discovered Secrets of the Shroud of Turin, Garza-Valdez - Anthony Cappello (reviewer)
Books: The Christian Travellers' Guides: France, Britain, Italy, Germany - F.T. Long (reviewer)
Events: Victorian Thomas More Winter School 2001 in Ballarat, 3 - 5 August 2001
Events: Cardinal Lustiger to visit Australia, 6 August 2001
Events: Second National Chesterton Conference, 30 Sept - 1 Oct 2001
Reflection: Clerical celibacy: Giving ourselves up completely to God and the people He loves - Fr Dennis W. Byrnes PP

Over the past months, letters and articles written to AD2000 have indicated a habit of dissent from and disregard for recent Vatican documents and directives in several Australian dioceses. The evidence gathered suggests that a serious problem exists in parts of the Australian Church.

The Diocese of Toowoomba's recent diocesan assembly (10-11 June), revealed plans to reform liturgical practices across the diocese that will help to keep us "in touch with the signs of the times." I fear that these envisaged changes will not take the form of a speedy and diligent implementation of the Statement of Conclusions, the Instruction on Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests, Liturgiam Authenticam or the soon to be released Third Typical Edition of the Roman Missal.

Catholics who welcomed the Statement of Conclusions have found that some of our bishops have largely ignored the document as they ignored so many other documents before it. We look for leadership yet are often left feeling abandoned by Rome.

When will Rome act?

Toowoomba, Qld

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 14 No 7 (August 2001), p. 13

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