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Abortion (letter)

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 Contents - Dec 2004AD2000 December 2004 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: Religious literacy: why not a national inquiry? - Michael Gilchrist
US and Australian election results: the cultural revolution challenged - Michael Gilchrist
News: The Church Around the World
Gone fishing: Catholic Earthcare Australia adopts discredited Green agenda - Pat Byrne
Administration: Cardinal Pell: Church administrators must put Christ's mission first - Cardinal George Pell
English language: Will Rome ensure the completion of an improved Mass translation? - William Oddie
Liturgy: Redemptionis Sacramentum on the liturgical rights of the faithful - CDF
New Evangelisation: Rebuilding a lost Faith - Fr John Walter
Archbishop Fulton Sheen: 25th anniversary - Martin Tobin
Society: American surveys show advantages of sexual abstinence education
Letters: Orthodoxy succeeds (letter) - Fr Adrian Head
Letters: Seminary reforms (letter) - Fr Peter Thompson CM
Letters: Election result (letter) - Maureen Federico
Letters: Liturgical development (letter) - Msgr Peter J. Elliott
Letters: Catholic youth (letter) - Robert Denahy
Letters: Graham Greene a Catholic? (letter) - Malcolm Mackinnon
Letters: Mass translation (letter) - Leo McManus
Letters: 'Fem-speak' (letter) - C.V.Phillips
Letters: Misunderstanding over 'Come As You Are' (letter) - Peter Hannigan
Letters: Call to holiness (letter) - Mark Calleja
Letters: Abortion (letter) - Maryse Usher
Letters: Nihilism (letter) - Robert Prinzen-Wood
Poetry: The Salami Treatment - Bruce Dawe
Books: Decoding Da Vinci, by Amy Welborn - Anthony Cappello (reviewer)
Books: Theology of the Church, by Cardinal Charles Journet - Michael Gilchrist (reviewer)
Books: Making Sense of Private Revelations, by Fr Paul Newton - Msgr Peter J. Elliott
Books: Architects of the Culture of Death, by Donald DeMarco and Benjamin Wiker - Jodie Brown (reviewer)
Books: Inspiring Christmas Gifts
Reflection: Today is born to us a Saviour of the world - Pope John Paul II

Anne Lastman is not exaggerating when she describes 50 million abortions a year worldwide as the "annihilation of nations" predicted by Our Lady at Fatima (October AD2000).

An entire primary school (400 children) is killed by surgical abortion every day in Australia. God only knows how many embryos are poisoned by the abortifacient effect of the contraceptive pill.

Health Minister Tony Abbott seems to be pleading for Catholics to write to him demanding an end to taxpayer-funded destruction of young Australians. But so far the vast majority of Catholics - including even some bishops - have responded to him with a deafening silence.

Parish priests have told me that they are reluctant to preach against abortion (which includes the Pill) for fear of upsetting female parishioners.

Yet counsellors on the Pregnancy Counselling Australia 24/7 phoneline (1300 737 732 or 1300 RESPECT) know from experience that telling callers the truth about abortion saves the lives of unborn children and the health of their mothers. The truth also begins to liberate post-aborted women:

* Abortion is a great evil; there are many contributors to each abortion; parents need to seek their forgiveness from God, their child and to forgive themselves.

* It is natural and normal for men and women to experience myriad distressing reactions after an abortion. The relief of callers when they hear this statement is palpable.

* The mercy of God is available to anyone repentant, but how can Catholics convey mercy and hope to those wounded by abortion when they deny the evil of it?

And another thing: as a new parishioner in an indult Latin Mass congregation, not only have I found peace, beauty, heavenly Gregorian Chant and blessed periods of silence after Communion, but Latin Mass- goers all seem to be unashamedly and naturally pro-life.

East St Kilda, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 17 No 11 (December 2004 - January 2005), p. 16

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