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Christians the most vilified group (letter)

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 Contents - Jul 2004AD2000 July 2004 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: Separation of Church and State? - Michael Gilchrist
Liturgy: New improved English Mass translation nears completion - Michael Gilchhrist
Feminist 'rituals': no substitute for prayer - Joanna Bogle
News: The Church Around the World
Pastoral Letter: The secular challenges to our faith: how to respond - Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett
Eucharistic Adoration: heart of evangelisation - Fr Sebastian Camilleri OFM
Croagh Patrick, Ireland's Holy Mountain: 'Sure, it's a bit of a hill' - Paul Russell
Letters: Synod (letter) - Lance Eccles
Letters: Courageous lead (letter) - Tom King
Letters: Ineffective system (letter) - John Mulholland
Letters: Catholic schools (letter) - George Simpson
Letters: Dating the Gospels (letter) - Fr G.H. Duggan SM
Letters: Informative talk (letter) - Frank Bourke
Letters: Gay lobby (letter) - Alan A. Hoysted
Letters: Abusive letters - Maureen Federico
Letters: Christian models (letter) - Brett Powell
Letters: Christians the most vilified group (letter) - Arnold Jago
Letters: Disappointment (letter) - Cathy Cleary
Letters: The Passion of the Christ (letter) - June Forester
Letters: Parish concerns (letter) - Peter Gilet
Letters: No kneelers (letter)
Letters: The power of one (letter) - Brian Harris
Letters: Sacred Heart (letter) - V. Mulligan
Letters: CD response (letter) - Melanie and Christopher Duluk
Books: Flee To the Fields - The Founding Papers of the Catholic Land Movement - Peter Chojnowski (reviewer)
Books: An Essay on the Restoration of Property, by Hilaire Belloc - John Ballantyne (reviewer)
Books: Ethics and the National Economy, by Heinrich Pesch - John Williamson (reviewer)
Redemptionis Sacramentum (Sacrament of Redemption) abridged version - Fr M. Durham
Books: More new titles for 2004 from AD Books
Reflection: No time to pray? Try contemplation - Fr Leo J. Trese

A Christian believer has started legal action against Channel Seven because of the name "Jesus Christ" being used as a swear word in a crime program. He has been complaining about such things for the past five years and been fobbed off.

Last year, he took Channel Seven to the Equal Opportunity Commission, but his case was dismissed. Now he is going to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

There will be a "mediation" meeting on May 3 - then a hearing at Shepparton Court on August. Channel Seven will have lawyers. Mr van der Linden will represent himself. He says, "Christian believers are the most vilified group in this nation".

Everyone believing that people of goodwill should be protected from their beliefs being publicly ridiculed will wish him well.

Meanwhile, every time a holy name is blasphemed on TV, turn your set off and tell the TV channel what you have done and why. If we don't make an effort, things will get worse.

Mildura, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 17 No 6 (July 2004), p. 14

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