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Sex before marriage

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 Contents - May 2005AD2000 May 2005 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: Challenges facing John Paul II's successor Benedict XVI - Michael Gilchrist
'Santo Subito': the impact of John Paul II - Peter Westmore
News: The Church Around the World
Year of Eucharist: Religious education: Catholic youth have their say - Shannon Donahoo
Catholic beliefs and practices: the challenge ahead for Australia - Michael Gilchrist
The Da Vinci Code and the itching ears syndrome - John Young
UK survey: why church pews are emptying
St Patrick's Church, Soho Square, a spiritual oasis in London - Tess Livingstone
Bioethics: IVF and embryonic stem cell research: the social and ethical issues - Kerrie Allen
Letters: Appeal to the young - Justin Lynch
Letters: God's Champion - Robert Garrett
Letters: Theology at ACU - Henk Verhoeven
Letters: Overseas priests - Jenny Bruty
Letters: Priest shortage - Jeff Harvie
Letters: Heroic virtue - Bob Denahy
Letters: Catholic education - Geoff Storey
Letters: Private revelations - Anne Boyce
Letters: Sex before marriage - Dr Arnold Jago
Letters: Society of St Pius X - Stephen McInerney
Letters: Ecclesial unity - Meg Fennell
Letters: Correcting pastoral blunders - Kevin McManus
Letters: Catholic hymns - Dolores Lightbody
Letters: Latin Mass Times in Hobart - Kevin Tighe
Letters: Corpus Christi Procession in Brisbane - Josie Mangano
Books: Sacred and Secular Scriptures / The Catholic Revival in English Literature - David Birch (reviewer)
Books: A GENTLE JESUIT: Philip Caraman SJ, by June Rockett - George Russo (reviewer)
Books: Remembering Pope John Paul II
Reflection: Pope John Paul II and the redemptive power of suffering - Fr Paul Stuart

Just living together seems not to guarantee that a couple is ready for marriage. In fact, aren't unmarried couples living together, by definition, un-ready for marriage?

Premarital cohabiters have over twice the risk of divorce compared with non-cohabiters. Researchers comment that living in a non-marital union "undermines the legitimacy of formal marriage" and so "reduces commitment" (D. Hall and J. Zhoa, Journal of Marriage and Family, 57, 1995).

Perhaps the Church should insist that cohabiting couples seeking a church wedding be required to undertake to separate and live celibately for a significant time - many months at least - before entering into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony?

Mildura, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 18 No 4 (May 2005), p. 14

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