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Gender neutral

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 Contents - Mar 2006AD2000 March 2006 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: The challenge facing Pope Benedict - Peter Westmore
Documents: Benedict's first encyclical 'Deus Caritas Est' speaks to the heart of the Faith - Michael Gilchrist
News: The Church Around the World
Archbishop Hickey: how to address the crisis of faith - Archbishop Barry Hickey
Mass: How can differences over the Liturgy be resolved? - Fr John O'Neill
Liturgy: Eucharistic faith: why the Mass needs re-enchanting - Alvin F. Kimel Jr
Modernism: 'New Church' not true Church: what modernists believe - Pastor Remotus
Vocations: Dominican Sisters: religious vocations continue to rise in Nashville - Tracey Rowland
The distribution of Holy Communion past and present: an historical survey - Fr Sebastian Camilleri OFM
Media: Archbishop Hickey presents the Christian message on TV - Daniel Tobin
Letters: The Fortified School - Chris Hilder
Letters: The Eucharist - Jim Howe
Letters: Adore 2006 in Brisbane - Tim Wallace
Letters: New Age - Richard Congram
Letters: Intelligent Design - Peter Barnes
Letters: Canadian Lectionary - Matt Walton
Letters: St John Vianney - Maureen Wright
Letters: Guitars - John Daly
Letters: Elitism - Jeff Harvie
Letters: Relic of the '70s - Don Gaffney
Letters: Vaccines and abortion - Judy Law
Letters: Gender neutral - P.F. Gill
Books: 'The Case For Marriage' by Linda J. Waite and Maggie Gallagher - Kerrie Allen (reviewer)
Books: Edith Stein Discovered: A Personal Portrait, by Pat Lyne OCDS - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: Black Robe And Tomahawk: Fr Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ (1801-1873) - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: Golden Priest, Wooden Chalice, by Fr Tim Norris - Michael Gilchrist (reviewer)
Books: Stimulating reading from AD Books
Reflection: Bringing Christ's love to the bereaved: a ministry for Catholic parishes - Fr Dennis Byrnes

At a recent Confirmation ceremony at a Catholic parish in Hobart I witnessed another example of the ongoing process of eliminating gender specific words from the Church's vocabulary in Australia.

During his homily the Archbishop made reference to his recent visit to Cologne and its beautiful cathedral whilst attending the World Youth Day there.

One of the stories often told about the cathedral is a long held belief that the Magi might be interred in the building. From the Gospels and Christmas carols over the ages both Catholics and Christians of all denominations have always heard the Magi referred to as either The Three Wise Men or The Three Wise Kings.

But today, in the Archbishop's words, they are "The Three Wise People".

I am looking forward to Easter to see how the Women Of Jerusalem fare, and whether they too are given a non-gender specific identity.

Sandy Bay, Tas

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 19 No 2 (March 2006), p. 16

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