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 Contents - Sep 2006AD2000 September 2006 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: 2006 Fighting Fund launched - Peter Westmore
Conscience: AD2000 interviews Cardinal Pell - Cardinal George Pell
USA: Liberal Christianity goes into meltdown - Charlotte Allen
News: The Church Around the World
Chavagnes: Catholic education in a secular culture - Alexander Morrison
History: The Counter Reformation and the Jesuits - John Morrissey
Family in Society: Asian and Australian families face similar challenges - Leslie Sammut
Clergy: ACCC Annual Conference focuses on theology of Benedict XVI - AD2000 Report
Letters: Thomas Groome (letter) - C. Hungerford-Morgan
Letters: Baptism - Mark Moriarty
Letters: Correction to last month's reflection on Baptism - John Young
Letters: Communism - Frank Bellet
Letters: African pen-friend - Fr Vincent Kajoba
Letters: Safe Sex? - Arnold Jago
Letters: Judicial activism - Henk Verheven
Letters: Stolen faith - Marie Adamo
Letters: Helping the Carmelites - Beth Burns
Letters: Thank-you note - A. van Tilburg
Poetry: The Touch of the Master's Hand - Myra Welch
Books: William Bernard Ullathorne: A Different Kind of Monk, by Judith Champ - Michael Gilchrist (reviewer)
Books: Advancing the Culture of Death, by Peter Hung Manh Tran - Peter Westmore (reviewer)
Books: Why Must I Suffer? by Fr F.J. Remler CM - Jacinta Cummins (reviewer)
Books: Stimulating reading from Freedom Publishing
Reflection: Cardinal Arinze on the need for Eucharistic reverence - Cardinal Francis Arinze

It never ceases to amaze me how often the hoi polloi turn their thinking back to front when commenting on world events.

Take the recent visit to this country of former communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev and the letters to the editor praising this man for "bringing down" the Iron Curtain.

Perhaps this lack of accurate, analytical thinking is brought about by the West's discarding of the Ten Commandments as a basis for life, to be replaced by their own ten commandments, revolved around shallow politically correct nonsense. Consequently they can't detect right from wrong and wise from unwise.

Had they not heard of the efforts of Pope John Paul and President Ronald Reagan - the latter having outspent the Soviets in the arms race, plus Reagan's speech "Bring down that wall Mister Gorbachev"?

Crediting Gorbachev with defeating communism is like praising the English cricket team for their batting collapse, facing the Australian bowlers, which could deliver to Australia the Ashes.

Petrie, Qld

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 19 No 8 (September 2006), p. 14

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