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Appeal - World Congress of Families

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 Contents - Aug 2009AD2000 August 2009 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: Feast of Our Lady's Assumption, 15 August - Michael Gilchrist
Caritas in Veritate: Benedict XVI's social encyclical: public life needs Christian principles - Michael Gilchrist
News: The Church Around the World
Human rights: Small victories for pro-lifers at the UN - Babette Francis
Priesthood: Benedict XVI's Letter to priests: follow example of the Curé of Ars
Is this where 'progressive' religious life is heading? - AD2000 REPORT
Magisterium: Authentic Catholicism: neither progressive nor conservative - Fr Martin Durham
G.K. Chesterton on modernism and orthodoxy
Foundations of Faith: Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone): a recipe for doctrinal chaos - Dr Frank Mobbs
God's Messengers: Angels: what Scripture and Tradition reveal - Susan McKinley
Poetry: Nkosi J - Will Elsin
Letters: Pope Pius XII vindicated - Tony Evans
Letters: Religious freedom - Fr Brian Harrison OS
Letters: Ecumenism? - Moya and Leo Morrissey
Letters: Content of faith - Chris Hilder
Letters: Moral decline - Frank Bellet
Letters: Poems appreciated - Margaret Healy
Letters: Appeal - World Congress of Families - Jenny Davies
Books: THE WINE OF CERTITUDE: a Literary Biography of Ronald Knox, by David Rooney - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: JESUS, THE APOSTLES AND THE EARLY CHURCH, by Pope Benedict XVI - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: FLOWERS OF HEAVEN: One Thousand Years of Christian Verse, ed. By Joseph Pearce - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: BECAUSE GOD IS REAL: Sixteen Questions, One Answer, by Peter Kreeft - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: ... AND YOU ARE CHRIST'S':The Charism of Virginity and the Celibate Life, Dubay - Br Barry Coldrey
Books: This month's selection from AD Books
Reflection: Mary in God's plan of salvation - Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli

The biennial World Congress of Families is being held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 10-12 August 2009. The Congress will bring together around 4,000 scholars, academics, policy makers, elected officials and activists.

The Netherlands won the right to host the Congress through a promise that its libertarian government would not interfere with the pro-life, pro-family Congress program.

In order to ensure Australia is represented at the Congress by Teresa Martin, President of Cherish Life Queensland, formerly Queensland Right to Life (QRL), several people have had to go significantly out of pocket in booking a flight and accommodation package. At this short notice, generous AD2000 readers are invited to help defray these costs.

For further clarification, interested readers can contact me on (07) 3847 3413.

Teresa is tireless in defence of life from conception to the grave. She was sent by QRL in 2007 for a week long intensive course at the Leadership Institute in Virginia, with 85 adults from 31 countries, to learn techniques for lobbying politicians, dealing with the media, and pro-life awareness raising. Teresa also participated in the March for Life in Washington DC (see photo).

Donations can be sent to Cherish Life Queensland marked (WCF), PO Box 1382, Toowong BC, Qld, 4066. Tel: (07) 3871 2445.

Donations will be acknowledged on the Cherish Life website:

Coorparoo, Qld

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 22 No 7 (August 2009), p. 15

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