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Religious freedom at risk

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 Contents - Sep 2009AD2000 September 2009 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: 2009 Fighting Fund launched - Peter Westmore
USA: Anglicans fragmenting over homosexuality - Babette Francis
News: The Church Around the World
Christian Life: Courage and EnCourage: a chaste lifestyle for the same-sex attracted - Marie Mason
Liturgical Books: The case for a new Missal translation - Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli
Campus Life: Brisbane hosts 2009 Australian Catholic Student Association Conference - Br Barry Coldrey
Priesthood: Reflections of a newly ordained Sydney priest - Fr James Mccarthy
FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH: Sola Fide (by Faith Alone): is this sufficient for salvation? - Frank Mobbs
The Reformation and England's changing Coronation Oath - Tom Johnstone
Letters: Galileo - David Walker
Letters: Ambiguities in Vatican II? - George Simpson
Letters: Women priests - Name and Address Supplied
Letters: Abortion evil - Diana E. Fox
Letters: Ultrasound - Anne Lastman
Letters: Religious freedom at risk - Tim Rebbechi
Books: JOHN GERARD: Autobiography of an Elizabethan, trans. By Philip Caraman SJ - Michael E. Daniel (reviewer)
Letters: Latin Course for Fluency
Books: DOVE DESCENDING: A Journey into T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets, by Thomas Howard - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: THE BOOK OF ALL SAINTS, by Adrienne von Speyr - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Poetry: 11 September, 2001: The Towers - Will Elsin
Books: DEIFICATION AND GRACE, by Daniel Keating - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: This month's selection from AD Books
Reflection: The centrality of the tabernacle - Bishop John M. D'Arcy

Proposed changes to the equal opportunity laws in Victoriathreaten to destroy our religious freedom.

Thesechanges would make it illegal to discriminate in employment based on religion or moral values and so make it practically impossible to employ appropriate staff at religious schools, hospitals, publications and charities.

Effectively, organisations with a religious ethos will become targets for litigation from opposing groups andindividuals.

However we can defeat this push if people take action now!For more information please visit

This will be of interest to people in other states as well, as it is likely they will face similar proposals soon.

Balwyn, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 22 No 8 (September 2009), p. 15

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