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World Youth Day

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 Contents - Oct 2011AD2000 October 2011 - Buy a copy now
Angelus Message: Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7) - Pope Benedict XVI
Episcopacy: Cardinal Pell: the responsibilities of Church leadership - Cardinal George Pell
World Youth Day 2011, Madrid: Australia's participation - Br Barry Coldrey
News: The Church Around the World
Pastoral care: One of the Catholic Church's best kept secrets - Marie Mason
Pro-life: Signs of hope from the United States - Babette Francis
Planetary spirituality: what next! - Frank Mobbs
History: Lepanto, history's most decisive naval battle - Bob Denahy
Catholic Schools: Saint Mary MacKillop Colleges, Wagga Wagga: progress report - Sr Mary Augustine OP
Letters: Anglican Ordinariate - Bishop Harry Entwhistle
Letters: World Youth Day - Arnold Jago
Letters: Bishop Morris - Michael Smith
Letters: One-sided - Charles M. Shann
Letters: Old or young earth? - Fr Brian Harrison OS
Letters: Cart before horse - John Young
Letters: Genesis debate - Anne Lastman
Letters: Pre-Vatican II - Kevin McManus
Letters: Same sex 'marriage' - Richard Congram
Letters: Invalid concept - Robert Prinzen-Wood
Letters: Sermons - Rev. Fr. J. Conway
Books: BENEDICT XVI: A Guide for the Perplexed, by Tracey Rowland - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: ROME AND THE EASTERN CHURCHES: A Study in Schism (2nd ed), Aidan Nichols OP - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: MEDJUGORJE REVISITED: 30 Years of Visions or Religious Fraud? - Michael Gilchrist (reviewer)
Donations: 2011 Fighting Fund contributions
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Reflection: Benedict XVI's Final Mass homily for World Youth Day - Pope Benedict XVI

Two million young Catholics went to Madrid to hear Pope Benedict XVI and hundreds of thousands greeted his arrival with deafening sounds. Yet at the appropriate times - during Mass and during the pauses on the Way of the Cross - the silence was absolute.

It tempts one to hope that the lives of many attending were being changed and that on returning home their pride in being Catholic - and their humility in being sinners redeemed by the Passion of Christ - will not be lost.

Will WYD returnees find their home churches filled with a great thirst for the sacraments and great zeal for the spread of God's Kingdom? As the Pope says, you cannot be a Christian on your own. The Church is a must.

If the Church is imperfect, let's work to make it better - not quit it.

Mildura, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 24 No 9 (October 2011), p. 13

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