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Morality of contraception

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 Contents - Dec 2013AD2000 December 2013 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: A Christmas Wish - Peter Westmore
Pope Francis to canonise John Paul II and John XXIII next April - Michael Gilchrist
News: The Church Around the World
Obituary: Cardinal Pell's tribute to Bishop William Brennan - Cardinal George Pell
Benedict XVI corresponds with an atheist mathematician - Joseph Trabbic
Inspirational Young Men of God retreat - Br Barry Coldrey
Catechesis and liturgy: an unbreakable bond - Bishop Arthur Serratelli
Schools: Catholic school education: returning to our roots - Paul McCormack
Christifidelis Laici: vocation and mission of the lay faithful (1) - Anne Lastman
Christifidelis Laici: vocation and mission of the lay faithful (2) - Anne Lastman
Letters: Morality of contraception - John Ramsey
Letters: Right of conscience - Marian Grima
Letters: Errors - Peter D. Howard
Letters: Availability of RU486 - Owen Charles
Books: HOLY SEE, UNHOLY ME by Tim Fischer - John Barich (reviewer)
Books: POPE FRANCIS: The Pope from the End of the Earth, by Thomas J. Craughwell - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Fighting Fund: Progress on 2013 Fighting Fund - Peter Westmore
Books: Order books from
Reflection: Benedict XVI's Christmas homily: 'Make room for God' - Benedict XVI

In responding to Dr Mobbs' two letters in AD2000, August and October, first I'd like to say what a ripper of an article Anne Lastman wrote in the July AD2000.

Does Dr Mobbs know that all oral contraceptive pills are abortifacient? Is that a "causal connection"? According to UN figures, at any given time there are 180 million women worldwide using abortifacient methods (i.e., using oral contraceptives, intra-uterine devices, Norplant or Depo-Provera).

Given that these women have a standard 13 cycles per year, a low rate of ovulation/fertilisation of 12%, (two percent implantation) a total of 234 million chemical abortions are committed each year.

From 1965 to 1996, 4.5 billion chemical abortions were committed. Add on the 1.5 billion surgical abortions and we have six billion. That is more people killed in the previous 30 years than what were on the planet in 1996. (Source: The Facts of Life by Dr Brian Clowse, p. 319).

Dr Mobbs states, "The basis of moral judgement is the notion of benefitting or harming someone". I find it very peculiar for Dr Mobbs to make the assertion that the majority of cases wouldn't involve harm to anyone.

I have worked in coal mines for near on 30 years. I could provide detailed statements by men about how they treated their wives in their contraceptive/sterilised relationships.

In relation to Anglican and Orthodox clergy being married and using contraception, as mentioned by Dr Mobbs, why have these people come to believe that contraception is not always sinful? Because the very people to whom God gave the duty to defend life have not only not defended the teaching of Casti Connubii and Humanae Vitae, but many of them have dissented from them, believing that contraception is not a sin.

As Fr John Hardon SJ wrote, "Contraception is fatal to the faith. By divine ordinance, those who call themselves Catholic must subscribe to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church of which the Bishop of Rome is the visible head. This Catholic Church stands alone in the world as the one universal authority which condemns contraception as contrary to the will of God."

St James tells us that "faith without good works is dead". What good is it to give verbal profession of the true Christian faith, and behave like a pagan in marital morality?

Biloela, Qld

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 11 (December 2013 - January 2014), p. 15

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