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Climate propaganda

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 Contents - Feb 2014AD2000 February 2014 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: In defence of marriage - Peter Westmore
Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel: Pope Francis' challenge - Peter Westmore
Victorian Inquiry: First report into clerical sex abuse released - Peter Westmore
News: The Church Around the World
Pope Francis repeats world peace plea
Protecting the family: building the home - Carmen Pavia
iWitness 2013 retreat: another young Catholics success story - Br Barry Coldrey
Art: Interview with Tommy Canning: art in the service of truth
The Holy Spirit: "Lord and Giver of Life" - Anne Lastman
The transforming power of Eucharistic Adoration - Fr Joel Wallace
Letters: Protecting the unborn - Bob Hogarth
Letters: Religious instruction - Mrs Rowan Shann
Letters: Spirit of Vatican II - Murray Cook
Letters: Religious freedom - Keiron Long
Letters: Climate propaganda
Books: MANALIVE by G.K. Chesterton - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: THE IMITATION OF CHRIST by Thomas a Kempis - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: TO BONEGILLA FROM SOMEWHERE, by Wanda Skowronska - Michael Gilchrist (reviewer)
Support: Fighting Fund ends on high note!
Books: Order books from
Reflections: Australia Day: A time for thanks and commitment - Cardinal George Pell

Recently, one of our grandchildren attending a local Catholic primary school showed me some of his Grade 3 project work. I was intrigued to see that among the topics was one about "global warming".

It was evident that the usual green propaganda on man-made climate change was being fed to impressionable young nine-year-olds incapable of grasping the complex factors involved in changes in climate.

It is bad enough that in some Catholic secondary schools a form of environmental "religion" (Eco-Theology) is being fed to students, but particularly disturbing that young Catholic children are effectively being inducted into the green movement.

Catholic teachers need to be honest about the climate situation, e.g., the lack of change in the world's average temperature since 1998. Or that a recent expedition to Antarctica of climate scientists seeking evidence of melting instead got trapped in the expanding ice and had to be rescued.

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 27 No 1 (February 2014), p. 16

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