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ACU theology: prompt action needed

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 Contents - Mar 2001AD2000 March 2001 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: ACU theology: prompt action needed - Peter Westmore
New cardinals to continue John Paul II's agenda - AD2000 Report
News: The Church Around the World
Seminary numbers up in orthodox US dioceses - Michael S. Rose
How Archbishop Pell will implement Statement on Women in the Church
Elizabeth Anscombe, R.I.P. - Robert P. George
ACU theology: how orthodox, how accountable? - Michael Gilchrist
Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter ordinations
How monastic life can reinvigorate the Church - Fr Peter Knowles OP
Cardinal Ratzinger on 'Third Secret' of Fatima
What we must teach our children: Archbishop Chaput - Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
New Catholic radio program to start in WA
The surprise Cardinal: Fr Avery Dulles SJ - Zenit News Service
Letters: Euthanasia in S.A. (letter) - Errol P. Duke
Letters: Science and Christianity (letter) - Scot Chaston
Letters: Enneagram workshop (letter) - Br Con Moloney CFC
Letters: Church doctrine? (letter) - Frank Mobbs
Letters: Anti-Catholicism (letter) - Frank Bellet
Letters: Old liturgical books (letter) - Frank Carleton
Letters: Latin (letter) - Karmenu Attard
Letters: Supernatural order (letter) - Fr G.H. Duggan SM
Letters: Misguided compassion (letter)
Letters: G.K. Chesterton (letter) - Nancy McKelson
Letters: EWTN tapes (letter) - John Lovegrove
Letters: Vocations and orthodoxy (letter) - John Schmid
Letters: Third Rite in Toowoomba (letter) - Mark Power
Letters: Poem to Our Lady - Marion Craig
Letters: Appeal from India (letter) - Kevin L. Fernandes
Letters: Catholic education (letter) - Daniel Bryce
Letters: Boredom? (letter) - Josephine Landsberg
Books: Come To The Father: An Invitation to Share the Catholic Faith, Aidan Nichols OP - Christopher Quinn (reviewer)
Books: Streams of Living Water: Autobiography of a Charismatic Leader - Anthony Cappello (reviewer)
Books: Why the hopes of the Council Fathers of Vatican II are yet to be realised - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: Why I Am A Priest: Thirty Success Stories, ed. Boadt, Hunt - Katie Lindorff (reviewer)
Books: The Pange Lingua Hymnal, compiled by Paul Newton - Fr Gregory Pritchard PP (reviewer)
Reflection: Liturgy in the true spirit of Vatican II - Ralph McInerny

Australian Catholic University is responsible for training a large proportion of the teachers who staff Catholic primary and secondary schools around the country, and therefore the theology courses provided to its students inevitably will be of general concern to the Catholic community.

This is also a universal issue, evidenced in the declaration Ex Corde Ecclesiae (1990), by Pope John Paul II. In it, he instructed bishops' conferences to ensure that teachers and theologians in Catholic universities and other higher education institutes were faithful to Church teachings, as defined by the Magisterium.

As nothing had been done up to the time of the Australian bishops' ad limina visits late in 1998, coinciding with the Synod of Oceania, the agreed statement of the heads of various Vatican congregations and Australian bishops' representatives affirmed that this issue would be addressed. This Statement of Conclusions was later endorsed by the Bishops Conference in the first half of 1999.

Two years later, the need for action is more pressing than ever, judging from the crisis of faith afflicting at least some of ACU's theology courses (see page 8) and a substantial proportion of its graduating students (see AD2000, May 2000, p. 3).

Time is fast running out, as the percentage of Catholic school leavers practising the Faith diminishes, along with the practice rate among Catholic parents and teachers. If this cycle is allowed to continue indefinitely, the Church in Australia will become an empty shell spiritually in the not-too-distant future.

Peter Westmore, Publisher (E-mail -

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 14 No 2 (March 2001), p. 2

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