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Adore 2004: a Eucharistic Congress for youth

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 Contents - Dec 2003AD2000 December 2003 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: The challenge of Christmas - Peter Westmore
John Paul II's 25th anniversary: the impact of his teachings - Cardinal George Pell
News: The Church Around the World
INTERVIEW: New Melbourne and Sydney Religious Education texts - Msgr Peter Elliott
VOCATIONS: Melbourne's 'Hearts on Fire' vocations congress a success - Fr Paul Stuart
EVENTS: Adore 2004: a Eucharistic Congress for youth
BOOKS: DANIEL MANNIX : Wit and Wisdom - new edition - Michael Gilchrist
Social Justice Statement 2003: a response from Bishop Saunders
Letters: Social Justice Statement - Michael Barr
Letters: Centrality of tabernacle - Marie Cassey
Letters: Common sense - Michael Barry
Letters: Inspiring article - Thomas Jones
Poetry: Ex Maria Virgine - Delia Craig
Letters: Voice of the Faithful - St Michael's Group
Letters: Heresies - John K. Hannon
Letters: Unwarranted school closure - Maurice McGrath
Letters: Men at church - Rosanne Turne
Letters: Perth homeschooling conference - Lorraine Haydon
Books: Confirmed in the Faith, by Dora Nash - Joanna Bogle (reviewer)
Books: Adventures in Orthodoxy, by Dwight Longenecker - Richard Egan (reviewer)
Books: Celibacy in the Early Church, by Stefan Heid - Fr Peter Murphy (reviewer)
Books: You Are Peter, by Olivier Clément - Peter Westmore (reviewer)
Books: Socrates meets Machiavelli, Socrates meets Marx, by Peter Kreeft - Bill Muehlenberg (reviewer)
Books: AD Books - Top Ten Sellers in 2003
Books: AD Books - A happy and a holy Christmas!
Reflection: 'Jesus Christ: the door of our salvation' : the meaning of Christmas - Pope John Paul II

A Eucharistic Conference for young people aged 13-30 - Adore 2004 - will be held at the Victory Function Room of Melbourne's Telstra Dome, Docklands, from 22-25 January 2004.

Adore 2004 is organised by the Youth Sector of the Alliance of the Holy Family International, located at Deer Park in the Melbourne Archdiocese. Its aim is to sanctify families and young people through prayer, rosary, confession, adoration and Communion.

The conference and its program has the approval of Archbishop Denis Hart: "I have granted my permission and recommendation for the project and commend it to those who can be encouraged to participate."

Last year's Adore 2003 was held in Omaha, Nebraska, with Archbishop Elden Curtiss celebrating the opening Mass, reminding the young people of Pope John Paul II's call for them to be apostles of the third millennium who will keep the spirit of Jesus alive in the world.

Archbishop Hart will celebrate Mass at the opening of Adore 2004 on 22 January 2004, and this will be followed by a play The Passion and Eucharistic Adoration.

On the second day there will be a procession of the Blessed Sacrament from St Patrick's Cathedral to Telstra Dome, followed by Benediction. There will be talks on Eucharistic themes from Msgr Peter Elliott, Robert Haddad (who works with the Sydney University Catholic Chaplaincy), Fr Peter Joseph and several visiting US speakers.

For further information on Adore 2004, contact
Mary Help of Christians Crusade, PO Box 201, Deer Park Vic 3023
tel (03) 9266 2830/2820,, website:

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 16 No 11 (December 2003 - January 2004), p. 8

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