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Missal translation

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 Contents - Oct 2006AD2000 October 2006 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: The way ahead for the education of Catholics - Michael Gilchrist
Generation Y: New survey confirms low belief and practice levels of young Catholics - Michael Gilchrist
News: The Church Around The World
Spanish bishops attack false theologies - AD2000 Report
Benedict XVI interviewed by German journalists
Educating young Catholics: a bold initiative in Wagga Wagga - Michael Gilchrist
University: Campion College: a pioneer in Australian higher education - Stephen McInerny
Modernism's 'second wave' continues to impact on the Church - Fr Martin Durham
Letters: Missal translation - Philip Holberton
Letters: Counter Reformation - Alan Barron
Letters: Early baptism - Frances McEniery
Letters: Pessimistic view - Francis Vrijmoed
Letters: Church teaching on baptism - C.V. Phillips
Letters: Accuracy needed - Tony Sheehan
Letters: Intelligent Design - Michael Griffiths
Letters: Evolution hoax - Fr G.H. Duggan SM
Letters: Abortion and health insurance discounts - Robert Bom
Letters: Homosexuality - Daphne Preston
Books: ARMS OF LOVE by Carmen Marcoux - Jacinta Cummins (reviewer)
Books: Towards A People's Liturgy: The Importance of Language, by Mark Twinham Elvins - Michael E. Daniel (reviewer)
Book Launch: Lost! Australian Catholics Today, by Michael Gilchrist
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Reflection: Philosophy and theology: avoiding the pitfall of human pride - Fr John O'Neill

It seems the new English translation of the Order of Mass is not to be revealed to the laity until the Vatican has approved it.

However, I have seen the new version of the Creed and am not convinced it is any improvement on the current text, but not obviously worse until you come to "For us and for our salvation". This is not an adequate translation of "propter nos homines", particularly when we have repeatedly been told that the whole purpose of the revision is to bring it closer to the Latin original.

For instance, our response to "The Lord be with you" is to be "And with your spirit", because this is the full translation of "Et cum spiritu tuo". The Latin mentions the spirit so the new English must too.

So it is totally inconsistent to delete "homines", especially as the current translation correctly says "for us men". This modification of the present text reads like a sop to the feminist lobby, an example of the inclusive language which is frowned on by the Magisterium.

Willawarrin, NSW

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 19 No 9 (October 2006), p. 15

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