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Holy Land visit

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 Contents - May 2013AD2000 May 2013 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: AD2000: looking towards the future - Damian Wyld
Francis: pope of paradox - Damian Wyld
News: The Church Around the World
Youth: Reasons for Hope retreat for young adult Catholics - Barry Coldrey
Legacy: An Act of Faith: AD2000 after 25 years - B.A. Santamaria
Church unity and the Anglican Ordinariate - Archbishop Gerhard Müller
Abortion: confused pain in a confused society - Anne Lastman
The plight of Egypt's Christians - Youssef Sidhom
History: The Church in the Middle Ages: the role of bishops - Frank Mobbs
Order of Malta: 900 years young (Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium) Pauperum. - Damian Wyld
Ancient Greek contributions to Western Church music - Christopher Warner
Letters: Holy Land visit - Julie-Ann McLoughlin
Letters: Jesuit legacy - Ken Bayliss
Letters: What is Heaven? - Winsome De Jong
Letters: Hypocricy - Arnold Jago
Letters: Letters of thanks to Michael Gilchrist - Various
Books: SAINTS, SACRILEGE AND SEDITION: Religion and Conflict in the Tudor Reformations - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: SIXTUS V: the Hermit of Villa Montalto, by W.T. Selley - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: Order books from
Reflection: Pentecost: opening our minds to truth and our hearts to love - Bishop Arthur Serratelli

How happy I was to read Wanda Skowronska's piece on her pilgrimage to the Holy Land with the Hahns. I too have recently returned from 21 days in the Holy Land and happened to meet Scott and Kimberly by chance in Jerusalem. (I have a photo!)

I am a convert to the faith, and it was Scott Hahn's Rome Sweet Home which I read over 15 years ago that gave me the impetus to keep reading more about Catholicism. Within the year I had converted and my life changed completely. So to simply "bump into him" was such a special gift, and they embraced me like their daughter.

They were so excited to hear about my story and spoke of their hopes to come to Australia one day, as Wanda alluded to. Although to have spent as much time as Wanda did with such a knowledgeable couple would have been amazing, I learned so much about my faith on the pilgrimage and will forever be reliving my experiences as I read the gospels.

Thank you for the flier promoting the World Congress of Families. I have just registered to attend for the full conference, and hope many other readers do too. It sounds too good to miss!

Congratulations on a wonderful article and issue.

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 4 (May 2013), p. 15

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