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Put on Christ: Pope Francis' World Youth Day homily

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Editorial: Catholic voters and the 2013 Federal Election
Hobart's new Archbishop ready for the challenges of leadership - Michael Gilchrist
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Cardinal Burke: What is good liturgy?
World Youth Day 2013: Pope Francis inspires Rio - Peter Westmore
Oasis: Finding rapprochement and peace among the Abrahamic religions - Patrick Byrne
The Church's crises old and new - Bishop James D. Conley
A covenant: essence of true marriage - Anne Lastman
Frassati: The Holy Terror: a model for young Catholic men - Br Barry Coldrey
Letters: Natural law - Fr Bernard McGrath
Letters: Anniversary of Humanae Vitae - Ken Bayliss
Letters: Year of Faith - John Frey
Letters: Contraception is harmful - Anne Lastman
Letters: Anti-life values - Andrew Foong
Letters: Abortion link - George Simpson
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Books: WAYS OF PRAYING, by Father John Edwards SJ - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
Books: MYSTICS IN THE MAKING: Laywomen in Today's Church, by Carolyn Humphreys - Br Barry Coldrey (reviewer)
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Reflection: Put on Christ: Pope Francis' World Youth Day homily - Pope Francis

The following is the homily of Pope Francis delivered during the Prayer Service in Copacabana, Rio de Janiero, on 26 July 2013. It was part of the Welcoming Ceremony of the 28th World Youth Day.

Peter cries out after seeing the Lord Jesus transfigured in glory, "It is good for us to be here!" Do we want to repeat these words with him? I think the answer is yes, because here today, it is good for all of us to be gathered together around Jesus! It is he who welcomes us and who is present in our midst here in Rio.

In the Gospel we have heard God the Father say: "This is my Son, my chosen one, listen to him!" (Lk 9:35). If it is Jesus who welcomes us, we too ought to welcome him and listen to his words; it is precisely through the welcome we give to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, that the Holy Spirit transforms us, lights up our way to the future, and enables us joyfully to advance along that way with wings of hope (cf Lumen Fidei, 7).

But what can we do? The World Youth Day Cross has proclaimed the words "Put on faith" throughout its pilgrimage in Brazil. "Put on faith": what does this mean? When we prepare a plate of food and we see that it needs salt, well, we "put on" salt; when it needs oil, then you "put on" oil. "To put on", that is, to place on top of, to pour over.

And so it is in our life: if we want it to have real meaning and fulfilment, as you want and as you deserve, I say to each one of you, "Put on faith", and your life will take on a new flavour, it will have a compass to show you the way; "put on hope" and every one of your days will be enlightened and your horizon will no longer be dark, but luminous; "put on love", and your life will be like a house built on rock, your journey will be joyful, because you will find many friends to journey with you. Put on faith, put on hope, put on love!

But who can give us all this? In the Gospel we have just heard the answer: Christ. "This is my Son, my chosen one. Listen to him!" Jesus is the one who brings God to us and us to God. With him, our life is transformed and renewed, and we can see reality with new eyes, from Jesus' standpoint, with his own eyes (cf Lumen Fidei, 18).

For this reason, I want to insist with you today: "Put on Christ!" in your life, and you will find a friend in whom you can always trust; "put on Christ" and you will see the wings of hope spreading and letting you journey with joy towards the future; "put on Christ" and your life will be full of his love it will be a fruitful life.

Today, I would like each of us to ask sincerely: in whom do we place our trust? In ourselves, in material things, or in Jesus? We are all tempted to put ourselves at the centre, to think that we alone build our lives or that our life can only be happy if built on possessions, money, or power. But it is not so.

Certainly, possessions, money and power can give a momentary thrill, the illusion of being happy, but they end up possessing us and making us always want to have more, never satisfied. "Put on Christ" in your life, place your trust in him and you will never be disappointed! You see how faith accomplishes a revolution in us, one which we can call Copernican, because it removes us from the centre and restores it to God; faith immerses us in his love and gives us security, strength, and hope.

To all appearances, nothing has changed yet, in the depths of our being, everything is different. Peace, consolation, gentleness, courage, serenity and joy, which are all fruits of the Holy Spirit (cf Gal 5:22), find a home in our heart, and our very being is transformed. Our way of thinking and acting is made new [so that] it becomes Jesus' own, God's own way of thinking and acting.

Year of Faith

During the Year of Faith, this World Youth Day is truly a gift offered to us to draw us closer to the Lord, to be his disciples and his missionaries, to let him renew our lives.

"Put on Christ" in your lives. In these days, Christ awaits you in his word listen carefully to him and your heart will be warmed by his presence "Put on Christ": he awaits you in the sacrament of Penance, to heal by his mercy the wounds caused by sin. Do not be afraid to ask God's forgiveness! He never tires of forgiving us, like a father who loves us. God is pure mercy!

"Put on Christ": he is waiting for you in his flesh in the Eucharist, the sacrament of his presence and his sacrifice of love, and in the humanity of the many young people who will enrich you with their friendship, encourage you by their witness to the faith, and teach you the language of charity, goodness and service.

You too can be joyful witnesses of his love, courageous witnesses of his Gospel, carrying to this world a ray of his light.

"It is good for us to be here", putting on Christ in our lives, putting on the faith, hope and love which he gives us. Dear friends, in this celebration we have welcomed the image of Our Lady of Aparecida. With Mary, may we be disciples and missionaries. Like her, may we say "Yes" to God. Let us ask that her maternal heart intercede for us, so that our hearts may be open to loving Jesus and making others love him. He is waiting for us, and he is counting on us.

With acknowledgement to Zenit News Service

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 26 No 8 (September 2013), p. 20

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