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AD2000 to be available online only

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 Contents - Mar 2015AD2000 March 2015 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: AD2000 to be available online only - Peter Westmore
Synod: AFA calls for Synod to strengthen support for families - AD2000 Report
News: The Church Around the World
Rediscovering the spiritual dimension in modern psychology - Wanda Skowronska
Liturgy and mystery in the Mass - Audrey English
Challenging radical Islam - John A. Azumah
The parish priest and parish school - Fr John O'Neill
The linen cloth and the Second Coming - Andrew Sholl
The person and mission of St Joseph - Pope St John Paul
Seventh iWitness Retreat: another youth ministry success - Br Barry Coldrey
Apps: Smartphone apps to bring you closer to God - Peter Westmore
NACF: National Catholic Families Conference attracts 400 to Albury - Kathleen Horsfall and Marie-Louise Fowler
Letters: Persecution in China - Christopher Rule
Letters: Abortion - Brian Coman
Letters: Mary's knowledge - Carmel Ford
Letters: Anne Lastman replies ... - Anne Lastman
Letters: Synod of Bishops - John R. Barich
Books: MODERN MORAL PROBLEMS: Trustworthy Answers to Tough Questions, William B Smith - Michael E. Daniel (reviewer)
Books: NOT ALL NUNS MAY DO THIS, by Erika Lorenz - Michael E. Daniel (reviewer)
Books: Order books from
Reflection: Hail Mary, Full of Grace - Anne Lastman

From April 2015, we will not continue the print version of AD2000 which will be available online only. For many years, AD2000 has been available online, through our web site,

The decision has been forced on us by the unsustainable deficits which the magazine has run for some years. To balance the budget by increasing the cover price and annual subscriptions would require a very substantial increase which many of our existing subscribers would not be able to pay, causing a significant loss in our subscription base and postponing the inevitable.

Other print publications face the same dilemma of rising administrative costs to maintain the subscription database, rising editorial costs, as well as printing and postal charges. Many newspapers and periodicals have gone out of business, while others have reduced the frequency of publication.

Increasingly, most of us are getting our news from online sources.

We are very fortunate that our writers are not paid, very generously contributing to the apostolate of the Word.

To continue to provide a service to our existing subscribers, we intend to improve our web site, and additionally, to deliver AD2000 to our readers through email (which eliminates the cost of printing and postage), with text messages being sent to subscribers when each new issue is available. I am not aware of other online publications that provide these services.

Because we expect to save significantly on editorial costs, printing and postage, we intend to pass on these savings to you in lower subscription rates.

We are aware that some of our readers do not use the internet or email. If this affects you, please let us know, so that we can try to help. There are many places today where internet access is freely available.

We are grateful for your continued support, and wish to continue our close association with you.

– Peter Westmore is Publisher of AD2000.

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 28 No 2 (March 2015), p. 2

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