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Debating euthanasia with facts

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 Contents - May 2007AD2000 May 2007 - Buy a copy now
Editorial: AD2000: accentuating the positive - Michael Gilchrist
Documents: Benedict XVI's new document on the Eucharist - Sacramentum Caritatis - Michael Gilchrist
Education: How to fix Australia's Catholic schools and colleges - Br Barry Coldrey
News: The Church Around the World
Catechesis: Sydney RCIA conference in June on forming new adult Catholics - Joanne Zwaans
Cinema: New movie offers an authentic representation of monastic life - Rosina Gordon (reviewer)
Vocations: New religious communities flourishing in the United States - Fr James Lloyd
Culture survey shows moral divisions in the US
The importance of 'holy things' for one's Christian faith - Andrew Kania
Letters: Teachers' conference - Ron Munro
Letters: Marital fidelity - Br Con Moloney
Letters: Conscience - Msgr F. Hickey PE
Letters: Priest shortage - Dr Frank Mobbs
Letters: Ecumenical councils - Peter D. Howard
Letters: Debating euthanasia with facts - Rebecca Soares
Letters: Scourge of euthanasia - Brian Harris
Letters: Thank you from India - Fr. A. Joseph
Letters: Capital Punishment - with Apology - John Gallagher
Books: The Catholic Church and the Counter-Faith, by Philip Trower - John Morrissey (reviewer)
Books: The Heresy Of Formlessness: The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy, by Martin Mosebach - Tim Cannon (reviewer)
Books: Liturgy, Life of the Church; The Modern Rite; Pope and Council on Sacred Liturgy - Michael Daniel (reviewer)
Books: AD2000 Books
Reflection: Teaching children about the Eucharist - Audrey English

I want a real debate on euthanasia. Let us debate, just so long as the following facts are not ignored.

* Legalised euthanasia creates a dangerous imbalance in the doctor-patient relationship where the doctor can end the life of a patient.

* Patients can be misdiagnosed, mistakenly denied rightful treatment, and even subjected to unethical practice or wrong treatments at the hands of medical professionals.

* In a culture where euthanasia is legal, patients have the unnecessary and unhealthy psychological burden of having to consider whether they should go on living.

* Legalised euthanasia says in effect to society that suicide is all right if you are in pain, yet this is the exact opposite message to that which governments, educators, therapists and youth workers are trying to reinforce in society.

Year 10, Our Lady of Mercy
Heidelberg, Vic

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Reprinted from AD2000 Vol 20 No 4 (May 2007), p. 15

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